How To Text Asian Girls

How To Text Asian Girls

I originally learned pickup in the west (New York City, to be exact), so until I moved to Japan in 2013, most of my pickup and dating experience was with American girls in the big apple. When I first came to Asia, text messaging was one of the first major differences...

How to Run a First Date With An Asian Girl

Do Asian Girls Bang On The First Date?   Yes…..and no. So here’s the thing – Asian girls aren’t really shy and they don’t really want to make you wait 298374329875985734594 dates before doing the horizontal lambada, it’s just...
How to Lead Women in Japan

How to Lead Women in Japan

Japanese women want to be lead through an experience. They don’t want to decide the experience, they just want to have it safely. When leading a Japanese girl, they have to trust your strength that they will be safe with you on that journey. It’s Sunday morning and I...
How To Get A Japanese Girlfriend

How To Get A Japanese Girlfriend

Many guys who move to Japan are interested in dating local women and want to know how to get a Japanese girlfriend. Unfortunately, many of them get here and realize that finding a Japanese girlfriend is WAY harder than they expected. Language barriers, cultural...

Where to Meet Japanese Girls – The Ultimate Guide

Tokyo…what I affectionately call, the Big Sushi Roll.  As the only fully developed Asian mega city in the world, it has all sorts of wonders on offer. Here is your guide on where to meet Japanese girls. Big city nights? Yes, if you’re in Japan. The first...
How to Date Japanese Girls – Things You Need to Know

How to Date Japanese Girls – Things You Need to Know

If you’re a foreigner living in Japan without much knowledge of the language, the idea of approaching and holding a conversation with a Japanese girl might seem almost impossible. Fortunately, there are many ways to overcome the language barrier in Japan. With...