Pickup Asia Sticker Pack

For the past few years, there’s been a lot of discussion along the lines of: “wouldn’t be it be cool if we had a Pickup Asia sticker pack?” or “oh man, I wish there was a threesome sticker…”, and so on.

We’re excited to announce that we’re going to be collaborating with illustrator Satoshi Matsuzawa to finally create a Pickup Asia sticker pack for LINE, KakaoTalk, WeChat, etc.

We’ve already designed three prototype stickers featuring RedpoleQ, Kane and McConnell. Check them out below!

Ideally, we’d like to have a full pack (20 – 30 stickers) featuring as many members from the Pickup Asia community as possible! Do you want a sticker of Mr Balls Deep chasing a MILF? Romeo fondling two petite girls in high school uniforms? The ROCK lifting cars?

Well, now’s your chance!

Everyone can request a sticker for the pack, but we need some help to cover the costs of hiring the illustrator. It will cost about $50 USD per sticker, so we’d like everyone to work together and crowd fund the set.

Here’s how it will work:

If you’d like a personalized sticker design of yourself (or of another community member / scenario), just pay $50 and explain what kind of sticker you want (who will be in the sticker, which pose, any words in the sticker, etc.)

If you can’t afford $50, you can still donate any amount to help the campaign (every bit is good!), but we’re asking a minimum of $50 if you want to customize a sticker.

You can also pool funds with other members to pitch a sticker together (so, for example: 3 guys decide they want a sticker of Sage in a British Naval uniform, they could each pitch $16 to get the sticker made).

McConnell will be co-ordinating the crowdfunding campaign, managing the funds and talking with Satoshi (the designer), so please contact him if you’d like to donate. You can reach him on any of the following messengers:

LINE: mcconnellwade

KakaoTalk: mcconnellwade

WeChat: mcconnell_wade

Skype: mcconnellwade

