Awakening The Man Within:
Re-Wiring Your Mind For Success With Women

Get on the Right Track, RIGHT NOW! Join This 2-Day, 10-Hour Seminar Brought to You by PickUp Asia and Change Your Life Forever

What Students Say About Awakening The Man Within

You'll Learn:

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    Frames–what they are and how to change them
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    The Simple Formula you use now that controls your life and how to change it
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    Society and how it holds you back from success with women
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    The 5 Major Sticking Points that you must have handled for success with women(handle these, and you’re home free)
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    The Non-Conscious Mind: what’s really going on inside your head and how it’s controlling you without you knowing it
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    Game what it is at the most basic level and why it’s NOT "weird"
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    Life Design and how it can help or hurt your chances with women
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    Female Sexual Psychology and the Madonna/Whore dichotomy: finally understand why women love movies like Pretty Woman so much!
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    Approach Anxiety: why it’s good and how overcome the fear of approaching women
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    Identity: what it is; why changing it is the only way to have PERMANENT and CONTINUOUS success with women
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    Motivation Strategies: how to keep yourself moving towards anything you want in life simply and effectively
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    Decision Strategies: The simple first step you MUST take to move forward in life
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    How to overcome rejection, failure, and discouragement so that you can maintain the stamina and momentum you need to reach your goals in life
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    Managing your relationships: never get taken advantage of by women again and prevent your relationships from fizzling out and dieing ever again
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    and MUCH more...

You’re probably wondering why this seminar is free.  On the surface, it seems crazy.  In fact, you’re probably thinking its just a big 2-day, 10-hour pitch fest.


We’re giving away the best stuff that we have on changing mindsets, changing habits, and motivating yourself that we don’t have time to cover in other programs like our Approach Mastery boot camp.

Simply put, we know that the best way to get you as one of our clients is to sit you down in front of us and give you so much good stuff that you’ll want to learn more.

For many, this seminar alone will be all the knowledge they need to have the success with women and dating they’ve always wanted. If that’s you’re situation, that’s great.

We just helped another person(and we get to feel all warm and fuzzy).

However if you want more for your life, than I know that attending this seminar will prove to you without a shadow of a doubt that we have the power to help you realize your dreams when it comes to dating and having relationships with beautiful women.

AND you even get to walk away with our 17 page workbook to take home with you after the seminar(also totally free).

The seminar will be held on Saturday and Sunday from 2-7pm.

The "Awakening the Man Within Seminar" was fucking awesome! It felt like a refreshing cascade of profound wisdom pouring over you, flowing into your head, redesigning your mind, and revitalizing your body. An invaluable opportunity to take a good look at yourself, a lightning of fire striking at the innermost core of what you think you are, an uncompromising and relentless urge to change your beliefs and the way you perceive yourself and the outer world... this eye-opening seminar impacted each and every guy who attended it in a special and indelible way.

- dilated_guy (35), in Seoul

I took the seminar this past weekend, and was quite impressed. Redpole Q and Blue Mystery covered lots of ground, and not only taught us technical advice on how best to rewire our minds, but spurred us to dig deep into ourselves to discover what exactly it was that was holding each of us back in our quest to better ourselves. I walked away from it with a whole new perspective on my life, and have already instituted changes as a result of what I learned. The instructors really know what they are talking about, and pay special attention to making sure that in the end the students know the material just as well as they do. It is truly hard to believe that a seminar with this much valuable material and effort put into it would be free, but it is. I am truly grateful for the help given to me by these guys.

- Vigoroso (33) Seoul
